
Ongoing series capturing everyday people encountered in New York’s Chinatown, in a specific context of place and time.



Shaoxing Villagers

Ongoing series of life-size figures, based on residents of the village in China where the artist's ancestors lived for many generations.



Grandfather's Friend, and Arrival Times

Installation of five life-size, seated figures, inspired by a memory of family members gathered to discuss arrangements for an ailing grandfather.




Wall-mounted works, featuring smaller scale figures (approx. 30 inches), based on stories of the artist’s family and their place in the Chinese diaspora.





Imperial Portraits

Smaller scale figures (approximate 35" tall) exploring the cultural divide between the artist and his grandparents, inspired by traditional Chinese imperial portraits.



Grandparents, Masked

Life-size male and female figures, masked as lions based on the bronze statues guarding the Gate of Supreme Harmony at the Forbidden City.




Squatting Giants

Series of larger-than-life figures of men in squatting positions.   Each oversized sculpture, while crouched, stands at almost 6 feet tall.





A series of miniature figures (< 20") exploring themes about conflict and aggression.




Journey to the West

Masks of the four travelers in the epic Chinese novel.



Other Projects

Various masks, animal figures, costumes.





TN10 is the collaborative partnership of Warren King and Joanne Grune-Yanoff.

